Shu Uemura’s Hair Mask Brings Life to Damaged Locks

Achieving an effortless hair look can seem like a pipe dream—at least, in my experience. When I was younger, I watched countless commercials for hair products that featured women tossing their shining, flaxen locks into the camera. And I believed that beautiful hair could be very easily attained, using the right products. But reality hit hard when I grew up and realized those women had a team preparing, drying, and volumizing their hair behind the scenes (thank you, Finesse and Flex). That said, if your haircare routine involves color treatments, highlights, blowouts, and very hot styling tools, you know it takes a lot of work for your hair to look good. You also know how crucial it is to use top-quality hair products to maintain silky, soft, and, more importantly, healthy hair. I’ve always prioritized shiny and manageable hair, but a few years ago, I began noticing that my once silky mane felt as coarse as a kitchen broom. It was perplexing: I always used the best products, rich with protein—a component I thought was beneficial for my hair.  My colorist identified the issue: I was using too many protein-rich products. He recommended switching to more hydrating options and reducing the bond-builders that were once so popular.

He introduced me to two of Shu Uemura's hair masks. One was a hydrating mask for regular use, and the other was a weekly treatment called the Ultimate Reset Hair Mask. This product not only hydrates, it also repairs, thanks to its key ingredient: rice extract sourced from Japan. After the first application, my hair felt revitalized, like it had received an injection of hydration. I apply this mask once a week, leaving it on for just five minutes (though you can leave it longer for even better-looking locks). Despite the $73 price tag per jar—which may seem steep—is about the cost of a single blowout. Prioritizing healthy hair over frequent blowouts is a clear choice for me, and the Shu Uemura Ultimate Reset Hair Mask has become an essential part of my hair routine. Lastly, a personal tip: rotate your hair products every few months to prevent your strands from becoming too accustomed to one product.


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